12th Dec 2019

Why is Workplace Culture Important?

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Workplace culture is a hot topic in the world of work. And as the modern workplace continues to evolve, the focus on workplace culture continues to increase.

In fact, we’d say that workplace culture is one of the most important aspects of a successful business. It determines whether your company is enjoyable to work for, and can also significantly improve workplace wellbeing – and we’re all about improving wellbeing at work.

Today we’re discussing why creating a distinctive workplace culture can help you cultivate a supportive working environment for your people.

But hold on, what is workplace culture?

To put it simply, it’s a summary of values that make your business unique. You could think of it as the ‘personality’ of your organisation.

Although largely unwritten, having a workplace culture forms ‘rules’ and norms for people to follow while working together to give your business that unique spark and identity that you’ll only find in your company.

So why does it matter?

There really are so many benefits to creating a positive culture, far too many to list in this blog! So, we’ve pulled together just a few of our favourites.

That sense of belonging and ownership

In our opinion, one of the best things about identifying your workplace culture is how it enables your people to relate to the company and how they fit within it. People might also begin to feel a sense of ownership because of this as it encourages active engagement in their work and the business.

The ability to smile through the tough times

Creating a supportive environment also helps to bring out the best in your team, even when things are tough! The only way your people can truly work to their full potential is through being immersed in an environment and culture that supports them to do so.

Strengthen staying power

A positive workplace culture demonstrates to your team that you value your human resources and want to take care of their wellbeing, often a factor in your people wanting to stay working for your company for a longer period of time.

Work on your culture

It’s important to remember that workplace culture is something that’s built over an extended period of time and can’t be changed overnight.

But don’t let that put you off. If we haven’t made it clear enough already, creating a positive workplace culture in your company is well worth it!

Every aspect of your business requires careful consideration when adapting your culture – your leadership style, the people you hire, your practices and policies and, of course, your workspace.

One of the most effective ways to influence the culture in your workplace is to create a space that physically embodies the culture you want to create.

Start by noticing some of the physical signs of your business culture that are already in your workplace and ask if they embody the culture you’re trying to create. If they don’t it’s time to get to work.

Let’s talk

Sound overwhelming? Don’t worry, our team are here to help. Get in touch to arrange a chat with one of our workplace design specialists.


Rob Day

Chairman & Founder